Trail walk called off for safety

NICA volunteers gather lots of rubbish from Noosa river.

By Margaret Maccoll

Both drought and rain are to blame for cancellations to two of Noosa’s major events over the weekend.
Predictions of heavy rain led to the cancellation of Noosa Biosphere Day on Monday, with organisers hoping the event will be rescheduled for a later date.
However, an associated event, the Noosa River clean-up did go ahead. Spokesman Tony Haslam of Noosa Integrated Catchment Association (NICA) said funds from Underwater World enabled the group to hire three pontoons to collect rubbish from Noosa river mouth, Noosa Woods bay, Noosa Sound and Tewantin reach.
The collection included a bike frame, direction signs and a plastic drum.
Heat, drought and the risk of fire caused organisers of the Great Noosa Trail Walk to cancel the annual long weekend event.
Spokeswoman Danielle Taylor said overwhelming feedback confirmed they had made “the right decision”.
Sold out months in advance to a limited group of 150 people, the three-day guided walk takes participants through the natural and cultural landscape of the Noosa hinterland in experiencing beautiful countryside and lovely country towns of Cooroy, Kin Kin, Cooran and Pomona.
However, the long dry spell has left the countryside dry, brown and bare.
Danielle said with forecasts of no or little rain, temperatures above 30 degrees Celsius and a large group of people mostly with medium fitness, the safe move was to cancel it.
“Everybody’s glad they don’t have to walk in the heat,” she said.
“It’s just not good walking, and it’s not showcasing our beautiful country.
“The local rural fire service at Kin Kin was very concerned for fuel loads and fire risk in the local area, and very concerned for the heat and bushfire conditions, as walkers would have been travelling on steep terrain which has a higher fire risk, particularly in the Wahpunga Range and Woondum Plateau areas.
“In addition, an existing fire has been smouldering across extensive areas of the Woondum Plateau for the last three weeks. They are very relieved we are cancelling the walk for the safety of all.”
Danielle said all participants were notified and while some opted for a refund, others held on to their tickets for a rescheduled walk tentatively made on the May long weekend.
She said while the majority of participants were camping, some who had booked accommodation, decided to have a weekend break while others cancelled.
The Cooran acoustic night, a regular Cooran event, was still held on Sunday night.