Indigenous project taps into cultural tourism

A new knowledge bank of indigenous landmarks and iconic species within the Noosa Biosphere Reserve is being developed. Photo: Dr Simon Walker.

Work has begun to create a data bank of environmentally and culturally significant indigenous landmarks and iconic species within the Noosa Shire.
The Marine Ecology Education Indigenous Corporation (MEEIC) was awarded funding from the Noosa Biosphere Reserve Foundation (NBRF) to develop multi-media information for tourism and education centred on the Noosa River and Lakes.
Project facilitator Dr Simon Walker said the aim was to improve understanding of the links between the environment, local indigenous culture and native species in Noosa, and provide opportunities for developing indigenous led ecotourism ventures into the future.
“This project will promote a better understanding of Noosa’s indigenous environmental and cultural heritage,” he said.
“The knowledge bank can be used to engage the community and visitors in targeted learning and educational experiences in Noosa.
“Information will be compiled in various forms, for example short multimedia presentations, images, video and voice recordings.”
The project, named the Environmental and Cultural Learning Trail, received funding of $19,500 from the NBRF grant scheme toward a broader project that aims to support indigenous led economic opportunities within the region for the Kabi Kabi people.
“We have begun consulting with the local Kabi Kabi people as to what parts of the river are important,” Dr Walker said.
Chair and Kabi Kabi elder, Fred Palin said the MEEIC aims to provide Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people the opportunity to reconnect and engage with their traditional and cultural landscapes.
“The Kabi Kabi nation feel that it’s important, not for their people but for everyone to know that the earth is alive and the spiritual bond that they feel for their country can be shared by everyone,” he said.
Dr Walker said resources produced from this initial stage of the project will allow additional funding to be sought through state and federal schemes, to support the development of a Kabi Kabi led ecotourism venture.
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