Students give it all

Students run for it in cross country event.

Sunshine Beach State School last week held its annual cross country run and students took the challenging terrain in their strides, testing their capabilities in the hot weather.
Health and physical education teacher Cam Porter said cross country running was a great way to for children to identify a challenge and try their best to achieve it.
“The carnival allowed many students who have spent hours training to showcase their talents,” he said.Mr. Porter congratulated students on their enthusiastic participation.
“The display of running skill, fitness, self-discipline and resilience was enjoyable to be a part of,” he said. “In addition to providing an opportunity for students to excel, school carnivals are an opportunity to highlight the importance of physical activity and in particular the correlation between physical activity and academic achievement. ‘
Sunshine Beach parent Nick said it was great to see so many parents and other family members supporting the runners.  “The rain stayed away and the students all looked very happy as they ran around the course,” he said.
Magpies won the senior event and Eagles took away the junior run.