Waxing Eloquenz

Eloquenz Concerts will perform at the South Pacific Resort Noosaville on Sunday 14 June at 2pm.

THE Music Teachers’ Association Sunshine Coast Group is holding a piano and cello event at the South Pacific Resort Noosaville on Sunday 14 June at 2pm.
Eloquenz Concerts involve the professional classical piano and cello duo team of Suzanna Hlinka on piano and Christoph Blickling on cello.
Eloquenz Concerts were first established in Germany, but in 2015 the couple returned to Australia with their baby daughter to further their musical endeavours.
Eloquenz is derived from the Latin word ‘eloquentia’ which means to speak out, and elegant which of course means extremely graceful.
Since the performance is an interactive and verbal experience, Eloquenz was the perfect name.
Eloquenz Concerts are a world-class act that reaches out to the young, and the not so young. The program will feature JS Bach – Suite No 1 in G major BWV1007 cello and piano and A Glazunov – Chant du Menestrel Opus 71 for cello and piano, plus R Schumann – Fantasy Pieces Opus 73 cello and piano.
The afternoon of gorgeous music will be followed by a complimentary afternoon tea.
Tickets are $35 per adult, $30 for concession and $20 for children and are available from www.trybooking.com. For more information, visit www.eloquenzconcerts.com.