Check for signs in lumps and bumps

October is a great time to get hands-on with your breasts to learn what to look and feel for.

WOMEN are urged to get hands on when it comes to checking for lumps and bumps in their breasts and detecting the early signs of breast cancer.
This month HCF has joined with the National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF) to launch the Hands On campaign aimed at raising awareness of breast checks and showing people what to look and feel for on and around their breasts.
The HCF and NBCF Hands On campaign will run throughout October’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month and is an education initiative designed specifically to teach Australians what the possible signs of breast cancer feel like to help aid awareness.
Research conducted by HCF revealed only one in four women were checking their breasts monthly and 44 per cent had never visited the doctor for a breast check.
While 92 per cent of women understand the importance of regular breast checks, almost half of women don’t know what to look (44 per cent) or feel for (42 per cent), and the majority are using self-taught examination methods.
The HCF Hands on campaign features online information video available for viewing on YouTube, simply search HCF Hands On Initiative to find out more about the signs of breast cancer.