Road rules breached

A Noosa resident wants all drivers to re-visit the roundabout rules - for her sanity's sake.


A NOOSA resident says she is fed up with the way motorists continue to ignore the road rules when entering and exiting roundabouts, and she’s calling on local police to intervene.
Maria Dia said she had been driven “crazy” during the past few years by the way people continuously failed to indicate when using Noosa’s many roundabouts.
Noosa has around 15 roundabouts and boasts very few traffic lights, although it would appear to Ms Dia that not every driver knows how to use them.
“People just don’t care or don’t know they are being inconsiderate,” she said.
“I know this has been in the newspaper a few times trying to get drivers to do the right thing, but I would estimate about 95 per cent of drivers don’t play by the rules and I feel like I’m the only one with my blinkers working on the roads of Noosa.”
Ms Dia said she saw at intersections and roundabouts drivers were increasingly too lazy to indicate or they took unnecessary risks.
“I am driving around Noosa so frustrated and I see drivers failing to indicate, or indicating the wrong way at roundabouts,” she said.
“I have to wait until they practically leave the roundabout to know that it is safe to move forward – I’m jack of it all – someone has to make these drivers do the right thing.”
Ms Dia said she noticed a lot of younger drivers around Noosa were failing to properly indicate at roundabouts.
“I think the rules of the roundabout and the use of indicators should be printed every so often in the papers or advertised on TV or Facebook so everyone is aware there are rules to driving on our roads.”
HAVE YOUR SAY: Have you had a near miss at one of Noosa’s roundabouts? Send us your comments or letters to