Preps hit the ground running

Billie with mum Helen.

COOROY State School was buzzing with excitement last week as 70 new Prep students started their formal education.
Principal Des Deighton said the school year had got off to a great start across all levels.
“It is a unique year as we no longer have Year 7 students at the school,” he said.
“Our Year 6 students have already shown they are capable of being our student leaders and will set a high standard.
“Our Prep students have settled in and this is due to the work Cooroy State School did in engaging them at their kindergartens and day care centres last year, so the new Preps knew what to expect on day one.”
Mr Deighton said the main focus of the year was good attendance throughout the school year.
“The average attendance of students across Queensland is just under 92 per cent,” he said.
“If a child attended school at this rate for 13 years, they would miss the equivalent of more than one whole year of school, which has to impact on their ability to achieve.
“Parents do not do their child any favours by keeping them home unless they really have to.”