Goodwill on the table

Cooroy Community Gardens supporters (from left) Geoff Edwards from the Bendigo Bank, councillor Tony Wellington, Lynne Bonnell from Bonnell Bros. CCG president Nick Hodgson and Jeffrey Heilemann from the Sunshine Coast Camphor Laurel Timber Initiative.

IT WAS a case of one great community initiative helping another when the Cooroy Community Gardens took delivery of a large picnic table, courtesy of the Sunshine Coast Camphor Laurel Initiative.
The picnic table will now form the centerpiece of future working bees and meetings.
Cooroy Community Gardens supporters were invited to a thank you morning tea when the table was handed over on 17 May.
They included Noosa councillor Tony Wellington, Bendigo Bank Cooroy branch manager Geoff Edwards, Lynne Bonnell from Bonnell Bros and the Camphor Laurel Initiative’s Jeffrey Heilemann.
The Camphor Laurel Initiative is a community venture run and operated by volunteers putting the old Cooroy Mill to good use by ridding the district of the unwanted weed and turning the tree into something of use to the community.
It has been a big month for the community garden.
During the Cooroy Fusion Festival the CCG committee ran a competition for all new members to win a ‘plot for a year’.
After signing up on the day, local Cooroy family the Beaumonts were the lucky winners and they were presented with their plot by president Nick Hodgson.