Hotel gets tanked

Tanks arrive for Eumundi beer brewing.

By Margaret Maccoll

It was boutique brewing on steroids when four semi-trailers freighted in 15 tanks at the Imperial Hotel last week to build the business.
The hotel and Lion have partnered to again brew the much-missed Eumundi beer.
Lion Brewmaster Chuck Hahn said the partnership would revive a much-loved local craft beer.
Eumundi head brewer Chris Sheehan said the tanks, which hold up to 2400 litres, would now begin to be assembled.
“The weeks ahead will see us piecing it all together, like a giant Meccano set,” he said.
“This includes all line work for steam, refrigeration, gas, and of course beer.
“All going well, sometime in early July is where we start putting our first brews in, which will be ready to taste three weeks later.”
Chris said some fine-tuning would be happening before the product was ready to serve.
“Our standards will be pretty exacting, and for that reason we won’t be putting anything across the bar until it’s exactly how we want it,” he said.
“We’ll focus on getting the Eumundi Lager exactly how we like it before moving on to our Eumundi Pale Ale. From there we’ll work on our Ginger Pale Ale.”