Crack team unlocks native nut’s potential

Macadamias are best enjoyed fresh from the shell.

INSPIRED by the booming trend in China, the nutty geniuses at MacFarms have launched Easy open Macadamias, delicious nuts that can be consumed directly from the shell using a unique key in the pack.
Often referred to as the Cadillac of nuts, Australia’s deep-seated love for the glorious macadamia is certainly no secret.
Understandably, this love is usually attributed to the nuts’ transcendent creaminess, plump buttery taste and wickedly crunchy texture. Not to mention, Macadamias are rich in good monounsaturated fats and fibre, as well as antioxidants, vitamins and minerals containing high levels of essential nutrients, iron and magnesium.
But unlike opening its lesser counterparts, such as the peanut or pistachio, it takes some serious manpower to extract a macadamia from its shell – 300 pounds of pressure per square inch to be exact – making it the hardest nut in the world to crack.
Nuts are best enjoyed fresh from the shell. So, how does one consume history’s toughest nut?
Available in a 350g stand-up resealable pouch, every macadamia has a groove in its shell which can be opened using a small metal key included in each pack. Simply insert the key into the slit and lever to crack open the shell to reveal the nutty treasure inside.
Grown and harvested on home soil, MacFarms Easy Open Macadamias are available for limited seasonal release in the fresh produce section of Coles supermarkets from October through to December.