Free succession law seminar

Professor Elizabeth Beattie

By Hollie Harris

Cartwrights Lawyers will host a free seminar at Noosa Golf Club on Wednesday, 24 May from 9am with guest speakers, Associate Professor Derek Richard and Professor Elizabeth Beattie (RN, PhD, FGSA) and Cartwrights Lawyers’ accredited specialists in succession law, Mark Ostwald and Mehera Saunders.
This is a very special event where there will be a wealth of knowledge at hand with morning tea provided.
Assoc Prof Richard completed his under graduate degree and PhD at the University of Dundee, Scotland. He then spent four years as a Fellow at St Andrews University before moving to Brisbane.
Assoc Prof Richard is Scientific director of the Cancer and Ageing Research Program at QUT, held a prestigious Australian Research Council Future Fellowship, and was appointed as the QUT Chenhall Research Scientist in 2016, funded by the Chenhall Research Trust. Assoc Prof Richard has published papers in prestigious journals including Nature, Genes and Development and Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences and has received over $2m in research funding since 2010.
Assoc Prof Richard’s work centres on understanding how we age and how we develop age-related diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. His work centres on developing drugs that may protect us from these conditions and developing new therapies to treat these diseases in patients. Work from his laboratory will see his first drug entering clinical trials in 2017 for the treatment of leukaemia and a second drug in 2018 for the treatment of lung, breast and prostate cancers.
Professor Elizabeth Beattie (RN, PhD, FGSA)
Professor Beattie has extensive clinical nursing, teaching, and research experience in psychiatry and gerontology and has worked with people with dementia and their caregivers for over 25 years.
Professor Beattie directs the “Dementia Collaborative Research Centre: Carers and Consumers” and “Dementia Training Australia (Qld)”. In these roles she regularly interacts with people living with dementia, carers, advocacy groups, health care staff, educators, researchers and policy makers with the overall goal of contributing to improved care and quality of life for those living with dementia. Her research interests are in:
* Decisional capacity and informed consent issues in dementia;
* Quality of life for persons with dementia and carers and
* Person-centred care provision for people living with dementia.
Specialists in succession law
Mark Ostwald and Mehera Saunders are both accredited by the Queensland Law Society as being specialists in succession law. They are the only accredited specialists in this area based on the Sunshine Coast. The two of them practice almost exclusively in succession law, which involves wills, enduring powers of attorney and administration of estates.
Mr Ostwald deals with the more complex area of estate planning and matters involving complicated family arrangements and testamentary trusts. During the years Mr Ostwald has been involved in the administration of many estates as an executor/trustee or in his position as solicitor for personal representatives. He has acted for many different parties in the litigation of contested estates and associated trust matters.
Ms Saunders spends most of her time dealing with problems and disputes regarding wills and estates. She assists with estates that are very complicated, with applications to ‘contest’ wills, and with disagreements between executors and beneficiaries. Ms Saunders has many years’ experience dealing with cases where there are questions as to a person’s capacity to make a will (or other important decisions) and with disputes regarding the affairs of elderly persons.
Don’t miss your opportunity to tap into the experience of these key speakers. RSVP by telephoning Holly or Jessie on 5447 3122 early as seats are strictly limited.