Honouring our great lifesavers

Life Member Bill Twigger with Lifesaver of the Year Award recipient Jamie Gordon and Club Captain Scott Summers.

By Ron Lane

At the Annual Dinner and Presentation of Trophies, the Noosa Heads Surf Life Saving Club president, Ross Fisher, welcomed honoured guests, Life Members, sponsors and club members by saying “This year, our 89th year of patrolling, we have again upheld our proud tradition of no lives lost between the flags while members on patrol.”
After thanking the patrol members, he acknowledged the results of the club competition team and gave a big thank you to Chairman Ian Young OAM and Anton Mogg for their work in running the Surf (Supporter) Club.
He then addressed the important role of the club sponsors and also welcomed new sponsors into the Noosa family.
“We cannot say enough for your support, it is most vital and without you our work things would indeed be harder.”
For the presentation of trophies, Club Captain Roger Aspinall covered Life Saving and Peter French, Director of Surf Sports, stood for competition.
The major awards went to the following:
Life Saving – Senior Patrol Person of the Year: Chris Clark; Junior: Robert Lemon; Most Patrol Hours: Roberta Gordon (Female) and Pablo Aguirre (Male); and most prestigious – the Dave O’Donnell Perpetual Trophy – Patrol Captain of the Year: Olivia Blight.
Surf Sports – Open Mens Champion: Rhys Burrows; Open Female: Lana Rogers; Most Improved Junior: Riley Dixon; Team of the Year, First Aid and Best Boat Crew of the Year: Spangled Drongos.
There were many other awards – well done to all recipients.
Sunshine Beach Surf Life Saving Club has also finished off their season with a gala annual dinner.
“It was a great evening well attended, we couldn’t have finished on a happier note. For us it has been an awesome season right across the board,” Club President, Craig Law, said.
He then went on to thank the Supporter Club for their work in maintaining its reputation; great club where members and supporters can gather and enjoy the hospitality that goes with surf club life.
Their major awards were as follows:
Life Saving – Lifesaver of the Year: Jamie Gordon; Clubman of the Year: Karl Gottschalk; Patrol Captain of the Year: Steven Boyd; Most Patrol Hours: Jamie Gordon; Best Patrol: Patrol 3.
Surf sports – Outstanding Achievement: Nick Sloman; Competitor of the Year: Ruby Nolan; Beach Competitor: Thomas Baker; Surf Competitor: Ruby Nolan: Most Improved Youth: Hamish Selby; Most Improved Open: Zachary Bromage and Team of the Year: Under 15 Cameron Relay.
The standard of patrolling on this open dangerous Sunshine Beach has once again been of the highest order and all concerned are to be congratulated.
Once again, the two local clubs Noosa Heads (and Peregian area) and Sunshine Beach have made an outstanding contribution to beach safety within the community.
With visitations to the area going gang-busters, the vital role played by these people within the tourist industry should not be taken for granted.
When we speak of outstanding contributions, there are two groups whose efforts are definitely above and beyond all else, and they are the Seahorse Nipper and the IRB (Noosa and Sunshine) training teams.
Good to see the Seahorse teams receive Noosa’s President’s Medal. Presented by President Ross Fisher, this is one of the top awards of the year, so to the recipients Steve and Nicole Mawby, and Lorna Gardner – well done to all. This concept has now spread throughout Australia.
With the courtesy roving IRB patrols (North Shore to Alexandria Bay) on the increase, achieving and maintaining a high standard of drivers and crews is the responsibility of the training teams: Chris Grandemange, Trevor King and Steve Crisp from Noosa, and Scott Summers and Bill Twigger from Sunshine. Your dedication and time is noted.
On Monday, lifesavers from all over the state gathered at Buderim to bid a sad farewell to one of lifesaving’s greats, Ron “Boppo” Tallon OAM, Hall of Fame. To wife Vonnie and family – our best wishes.
Next week we introduce this Australian legend.