Bartenders battle it out

On the lookout for understanding, generous and likeable bartenders.

BIG-HEARTED bartenders across the coast are battling it out to be awarded Queensland’s U.G.L.Y. Bartender of the Year.
Hoping to raise $20,000 locally for blood cancer patients and their families, the local entrant Monique Logan hosts an event at The Villa this Saturday night in the fun and feisty form of Drag Queen Bingo.
U.G.L.Y. stands for Understanding, Generous, Likeable, You and describes the entrants in this year Bartender awards which fundraise for the Leukaemia Foundation.
Monique will raise funds by holding the Drag Queen Bingo night which includes a drag show, a three-course meal, bingo, prizes and raffles.
“I did it last year and I had heaps of fun. It’s going to be an awesome night,” Monique said.
The Leukaemia Foundation’s Community Fundraising Officer Megan Blears said patrons can support their favourite bartenders by attending the event or simply by chucking spare change in their donation buckets.
“Today an estimated 35 Australians will be diagnosed with a blood cancer,” Megan said.
“Every $80 an entrant raises during the competition will fund a free night’s accommodation for regional families who need to travel to the city for leukaemia, lymphoma or myeloma treatment.
“Last year our dedicated Queensland U.G.L.Y. crew raised a record-breaking $554,000 to help patients and their families during their darkest hours,” Megan said.
The state-wide 2016 U.G.L.Y. Bartender of the Year winner will be crowned on Friday 16 September with a $3000 travel voucher up for grabs and additional prizes for the overall winner’s venue and the Sunshine Coast’s top fundraiser.
Find out more about the local U.G.L.Y contender at and don’t miss the Drag Queen Bingo fundraiser on Saturday 10 September at Villa Noosa from 6pm.
The dinner includes an entree, main and desert. Tickets are $40 for both dinner and show.
Call 5430 5555 for more ticket information and bookings.