NOOSA’S public transport could face an overhaul, with council calling on the community to help develop a strategy plan.
Noosa Council has put the word out to anyone who would like to have their say about ways to improve on the current public and private transport networks.
Planning and infrastructure director Martin Drydale said the plan would address issues that could potentially help to avoid traffic gridlock in the future.
“With pressures on Noosa residents’ lifestyle from an increasing population and car usage, together with millions of visitors to the region annually, there is an urgent need for a high performing and effective passenger transport system,” Mr Drydale said.
The Noosa Transport Strategy will provide an opportunity for residents to help set the transport agenda in Noosa for the next 20 years and will also include an interim 10-year strategy and a five-year action plan.
The strategy aims to address issues with the existing passenger transport system plus possible ways to improve parking practices and walking and cycling infrastructure.
To have your say in the development of the Noosa Transport Strategy head over to council’s website at www.noosa.qld.gov.au or post a letter to Council at PO Box 141, Tewantin, 4565. The consultation period is open between Monday January 11 and Friday 29 January 2016.