Fast and furious election

Member for Noosa and incumbent Glen Elmes.


MEMBER for Noosa Glen Elmes says the State Election, announced for 31 January, will be a clear battle between the LNP and ALP as Noosa candidates rally the troops for a fast and furious campaign battle this month.
State Premier Campbell Newman made the surprise election announcement on Tuesday, 6 January.
The historically early election announcement was believed to have been called to catch Labor candidates off guard, but to also put to rest ongoing election speculation which Mr Newman said was “putting Queensland’s economy at risk”.
Mr Elmes has backed the election announcement and said he had already locked in his campaign team and strategy.
“We’re ready to go and look forward to welcoming residents across the Noosa electorate to the polls this month,” he said.
Mr Elmes has disregarded minor parties in the electorate and says the battle will be between the two major parties.
“The reality is that the next government of Queensland will be either LNP, which has well and truly delivered for Noosa and Queensland, or ALP which is recycling members from failed administrations of the past which left the state with $80 billion of debt,” he said.
“I’m pleased to put myself forward for re-election as the Member for Noosa, and to stand on my strong record of achieving for the Noosa electorate over nine years.”
Mr Elmes said the people of Noosa were better off today than they would have been otherwise and he listed a range of achievements including the return of the local Noosa Council, the development of The Queensland Plan and investments in local education, health and roads.
Meanwhile, ALP candidate for Noosa Mark Denham said he welcomed the election announcement.
“I have been serving the community of Noosa tirelessly for over 25 years as an ambulance paramedic, and I will serve the community with the same passion and dedication in State Parliament – to do this, I need everyone’s support,” he said.
“Noosa has not moved forward with Campbell Newman – our TAFE has closed, the promised Eumundi Road upgrade is nowhere to be seen, improvement and expansion of Noosa Hospital has been denied many times, hospital services that were in place with Labor were stopped abruptly when Newman came into power. Labor will fight for their community and we will stand up in the State Parliament and make sure Noosa is not being left behind.”
Greens candidate for Noosa Joe Shlegeris has disregarded Mr Elmes’ comments and revealed his four main election commitments.
They included offering an independent representative for the seat of Noosa, to keep and enhance the Noosa Hospital, to stop the sale of electricity assets and to work for sound economic and environmental policies which will “enable small business to flourish and create jobs here in the electorate“.
“We will lose our hospital if we don’t make a huge effort to save it,” Mr Shlegeris said.
“The LNP blew the budget on a new hospital far away and doesn’t have enough left for operating costs. The LNP will shut our hospital. Labor will just let it die. I’m the only candidate who can and will fight to keep it.”
Meanwhile, the Palmer United Party has confirmed it will be standing a candidate for the state seat of Noosa. However, the candidate was unavailable for comment this week and was expected to make an announcement next week.
Premier Newman said the electoral rolls would close on Saturday, 10 January, and he urged all Queenslanders to ensure their enrolment was up to date.
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