Get health back on track

Did you overindulge this festive season?

YOU know when you have over-indulged in too much rich food and perhaps a few too many festive drinks, you start to feel out of sorts, tired and sluggish and it’s hard to get the brain into gear?
A few extra kilos have crept on as well and you’re feeling heavy.
It’s about this time of the year that most people take check of their health and lifestyle and declare that this year they are going to do things differently – get fitter, more lean, give up smoking, sort out other troublesome health issues such as hot flushes (the summer heat really turns these up), problems with sleeping or just starting to feel “your age”, achy and cranky -but of course we’re not going to admit to that one.
Local naturopath Deb Roberson can help find a solution to health concerns so you can get your mojo back and start enjoying life to the fullest.
Deb prescribes professional, high potency natural medicines so you get results.
Don’t put your health in the hands of the “cheapest bidder” – ie budget cost natural products.
Deb uses Advanced Bio-resonance screening to determine the underlying causes of your symptoms and then matches you with the natural medicine that your body is going to absorb effectively and efficiently.
Or perhaps a food you are eating, unbeknown to you, is causing troubles in your system.
You definitely feel the difference when your body is working in harmony.
The system that Deb uses is widely recognised by natural health practitioners and doctors alike in Europe, UK and USA however Deb is only one of six professionals with this technology in Australia.
Ask yourself, seriously is there anything more important than your health ?