OMG! UR@risk of text neck

Do you spend too long looking down at your phone?

TEXT Neck is a term used to describe the repetitive stresses on the cervical spine from continuous head flexion (looking down) at mobile phones, tablets and laptops.
Having the world at our fingertips is fantastic for many things, but it is wreaking havoc on our bodies?
Dr Mimi Atkins of Noosa Chiropractic talks Text Neck.
Teenagers and young adults spend a significant amount of time on their phones and laptops each day.
This constant forward flexion changes the spinal curve and puts added pressure on the supporting muscles, discs, nerves and ligaments.
Symptoms associated with Text Neck can vary from neck and shoulder pain to headaches, visual disturbances, numbness and tingling into the arms.
If left to progress it can predispose to much more serious conditions such as disc herniation, osteoarthritis, nerve and muscle damage.
Forward head posture also diminishes the capacity of the lungs, which can lead to heart and blood vessel disease.
Prevention (the earlier the better) is much better than a cure when it comes to these problems so limiting the amount of time using these devices or the position you are in is the first step.
Desk ergonomics, regular stretching and strengthening as well as regular chiropractic care can then help to rebalance muscles and encourage appropriate posture.
Be sure to check not only yourself but your kids, partner and friends head position and bring them in to be assessed by a chiropractor at Noosa Chiropractic. For more information call the office on 5449 9122.