Friendship built on books

Neville Graham, centre, with Jan and Tony Coyle. Picture: By Erin Miller


“THERE is no friend as loyal as a book,” said Ernest Hemingway, and there is no doubt that a book can bring friends together – and make new ones.
When Jan and Tony Coyle moved to Noosaville from Tamworth three years ago, the first thing they did was join Noosa Library, having left their own personal collection behind.
More recently, they extended their love of books, and the Noosa Library, by volunteering for the Home Library Service.
And with that, they came to meet Neville Graham.
Neville is one of 44 individual clients who is unable, for varying reasons, to visit the library. In his case, Neville requires all-round care, which means his wife Hazel is now unable to leave him alone.
Enter the Coyles! Their job is to select books, and DVDs, and deliver them to Neville’s Peregian Beach home every few weeks.
While they work from a brief profile as to likes and dislikes, it really is about a burgeoning friendship. It’s about getting to know.
Says Tony: “The real pleasure in this is catching up with Neville and talking about bowls”, a shared interest, as well as discovering the rich vein of Neville’s farming life within the building industry.
Indeed, while Neville loves to read, he is a book waiting to happen, such is his abundance of anecdotes about life on their Murgon farm, together with his many years as a builder there and in the Noosa region, where they have lived for the last 25 years.
Jan’s father was also a farmer, giving them all many reflections in common.
When the photo shoot was arranged, the Coyles arrived with morning tea cakes and it was clear that they were settling in for a fine old yak. And, “we’re going to have a game of bowls when Nev gets a bit better,” says Tony.
Among the many volunteers with the Noosa Home Library Service, some select, some deliver, but in this case Jan and Tony Coyle do both. And according to Neville, “the people at the library are terrific; they could not be more helpful”.
The Noosa Library’s service, generally every three weeks, is clearly designed for the elderly and infirm, and also includes bulk loans to such operations as nursing homes.
Tony and Jan are retired teachers, but it is books that are the common denominator.
Neville always has been an avid reader, particularly in recent years and, while he likes variety, has a hankering for Wilbur Smith. Says Jan: “I like to vary them within what I think Neville will enjoy. I sometimes go a bit left of centre and give him a challenge.”
Neville Graham is facing a pretty tough challenge right now. Jan and Tony Coyle, in their own quiet way, are doing just that little bit to help him rise to it.