Cooroy shows its Christmas spirit

Robin Salmon and Jo Shephard from the Cooroy Pomona Lions Club.

CHRISTMAS is off to a festive start with over 10,000 people attending the annual Christmas in Cooroy event held over two days last weekend.
With a range of activities and live entertainment on offer, Christmas in Cooroy was guaranteed to bring a smile to the face of even the biggest Grinch.
Cooroy Chamber of Commerce president and event organiser Danielle Taylor said the event grew bigger every year and was a great showcase of the Noosa community spirit.
This year saw over 70 Santas pound the pavement in the annual Noosa Plumbing Group Great Santa Race which raised over $1300 for the Leukaemia Foundation of Queensland.
The Bendigo Bank Street Parade had 40 entries with Tadpoles Early Learning Centre taking out first place for the best float award for the second year running.
The fun continues for the rest of December with the shop window trail and festive decorations adorning the streets including the beautiful Cooroy Christmas Tree.