POMONA State School students have rallied together to raise $240 for the Rotary Club of Corooy’s Shelterbox project.
Shelterbox is an international disaster relief agency that seeks to provide shelter, warmth and dignity to families who have lost their homes to disaster.
Shelter is provided in the form of a family-sized tent, thermal blankets, water purification equipment, a stove, basic took kit, solar light and a children’s activity pack.
The students raised the money through the Rotary sponsored group, EarlyAct, which is a service club that offers students aged 5 to 13 the opportunity to gain increased awareness and knowledge of their community and the wider world.
Rotary Club of Cooroy youth director Carol Johnston said natural disasters often happened without warning, leaving people without their homes and possessions.
“Shelterbox provides emergency shelter and vital supplies to support communities around the world overwhelmed by disaster and humanitarian crisis,” she said.
“This is a very generous donation from students at Pomona State School and a great initiative led by members of the school EarlyAct Club. Pomona students realise the importance of respect, dignity and caring for all through their active participation at school, local and community levels.”
EarlyAct club president Josh Butler presented the cheque to the Rotary Club of Cooroy on Friday 27 November.