Youth heart for art


NOOSA and Cooroy libraries have put together two small, yet vibrant exhibitions, showcasing art of local schools in a bid to celebrate Youth Week 2015.
At Noosa, the display is made up of works from Noosa Flexible Learning Centre, Pengari Steiner School and Sunshine Beach State High, while Cooroy proudly shows off art from students at Noosa Christian College.
With everything from intricate sketches and vivacious painting to colourful mosaics and ceramics, the youth art exhibitions have so far been greeted with an extremely positive response, with onlookers impressed with the talent on display.
Noosa Library’s Young People’s Services librarian Maureen O’Shea said that exhibitions were a first for libraries and something which they were hoping to grow bigger and better next year.
“The exhibition is a great way to make people aware of the exceptional creative talents of young people in our community,” Maureen said.
“It is great to see the kids doing such amazing stuff and that the community has the chance to appreciate it.”
Maureen hopes the display will also attract more young people to the library.
“The library is connecting all aspects of the community, however, we often find it difficult to attract young adults,” Maureen said.
“When children get older they tend to drift further and further away, and hopefully having their work on display may draw them back in.”
The Youth Art Exhibitions are on display at Noosa and Cooroy libraries through until 19 April.