Expression captured in clay

Maree Lawrence in her home studio with one of her creations.


THE Suncoast Jewellery and Art Expo is back for another year with an impressive list of local artists who will showcase their works to the community over two days.
On talented artist featuring at the expo is Maree Lawrence of Peregian Beach, will showcase her unique sculptures.
Originally from New Zealand, Maree has been creating sculptures since she was young, selling her works throughout Australian, even creating a larger-than-life bronze statue for the New Zealand town of Old Waihi.
Maree said it’s the feeling of the clay that she likes the most about creating sculptures and, while she often uses her children as inspiration, she loves to create movement and capture special moments in her work.
“I’ve always been into the human figure,” she said. “Especially when I’m creating children. I love to get into the way they think and move.”
When creating an art work, Maree said she sets her mind on the design she wants to create before beginning work.
“Otherwise it would all end up muddled,” she said. “It’s a case of dictating to the clay what I want to do. I’ve got to define it in my head first before I start off. Then I like to push (the clay) to the certain shape, rather than let it push me.”
While Maree has always worked with clay throughout her life, she said there was a time she needed to take a break from the studio.
“I’ve always done a little bit, but with five kids all under six and teaching full time, well it didn’t get done,” she said.
“And it dried up for a while. I didn’t want to look at clay. I didn’t want to feel it. I didn’t want to go into the studio. But, I’ve come back to it now. I’ve returned with a more positive outlook.”
Maree is looking forward to showcasing her works at the Suncoast Jewellery and Art Expo.
The expo will run on 18 October, from noon to 6pm, and 19 October, from 10am to 4pm, at the St Andrew’s College sports hall, Peregian Springs.