Keen contest for Wide Bay


WARREN Truss’s retirement from Wide Bay means a new face will occupy the coastal seat after the 2 July election … with a field of seven candidates vying for voters’ attention.
Mr Truss, a former Kingaroy Shire councillor, Agriculture Minister, National Party Leader and Deputy Prime Minister, held the Federal seat from 1990.
Wide Bay has the distinction of being one of the original seats formed at Federation in 1901, and was held by Australia’s sixth Prime Minister Andrew Fisher from Federation until 1915.
The candidates, in ballot order, are:
Jannean Dean, Glenn Lazarus Team.
Elise Anne Cottam, Pauline Hanson’s One Nation.
Lucy Stanton, Australian Labor Party.
Llew O’Brien, Liberal National Party of Queensland.
Bron Marsh, The Greens.
Bruce Mayer, Family First.
Barry Cook, Katter’s Australian Party.