Cartoon causes social stir

A funny cartoon is causing quite a stir on social media.


A CARTOON posted on Noosa Today’s Facebook page has gone viral with hundreds of likes and shares.
The cartoon was drawn by Kay Thornton of Funny Horse Cartoons and challenges the recently raised idea of dispersing flying foxes.
The cartoon has been viewed and shared thousands of times and has been “liked” by almost 470 Noosa Today readers.
Ms Thornton posted “are you game to publish this” on the Noosa Today Facebook page on 3 July.
Debate over whether to shift a colony of flying foxes at Wallace Park has divided the community, while it seems likely Noosa Council will side with the flying fox species at this stage.

Share your views with Noosa Today: Did you see the cartoon? Do you feel enough is done to protect flying fox colonies – or should resident’s concerns come first?
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