Warm welcome to new Aussies

Noosa Councillor and deputy mayor Bob Abbot greeted 60 new Australian citizens last week.


A TOTAL of 60 new Australian citizens were sworn in at The J, Noosa, last week.
NOOSA Council deputy mayor Bob Abbot told each new citizen how very welcome they were and acknowledged their contribution to Australia.
Along with their families and friends from 11 different countries, the new citizens’ smiling faces filled the auditorium.
Men and women queued to receive their citizenship certificates before taking their seats and the oath in the main auditorium.
The Noosa Chorale, consisting of 26 members, performed a stirring medley of Australia songs to kickstart the ceremony.
Cr Abbot, as presiding officer, told the candidates what a privilege it was for him to take part in the ceremony.
“Congratulations, you are now citizens of Australia,” he said, and the auditorium erupted in cheers and clapping.