Where losers are winners

Fitness guru and Jetts Fitness Noosa owner John Morrall with his partner Christine Beaumont.


FORMER Biggest Loser contestant turned personal trainer John Morrall, says he’s creating one of Noosa’s most inclusive fitness centres.
Mr Morrall turned his life around in 2007 when his weight had reached dangerous levels and he hit the wall.
“I was 150 kilos and I had to make one of the toughest decisions of my life – to lose weight,” he said.
“So I ended up on the Biggest Loser which aired in 2008.”
The show was the highest rated of the Network Ten series and Mr Morrall is still recognised by fans today.
While the show provided Mr Morrall with extra incentive, he never let the cameras take over his personal ambitions.
“I knew it was a challenge I would have to face on my own, despite the cameras, and it was one of the hardest things I have ever done,” he said.
Years on and following his managerial success with Jetts Fitness, Mr Morrall is living life to the fullest with his partner Christine, and he remains fit and healthy.
He is now a franchise owner of Jetts Fitness Noosa on Gibson Road and the business is celebrating turning one this month.
“I’ve tried to create one of the most inclusive fitness clubs in Noosa – something for every level,” he said.
“It’s important to me that people feel welcome at something more than a gym, but a relaxing and inclusive club.”
To find out more, including special offers this month, contact Jetts Fitness Noosa on 5313 4844.