Nude event, numbers down

The Nude Olympics held at Alexandria Bay, Noosa.

By Margaret Maccoll

Organisers of the Nude Olympics said they’d be back in a flash to their beloved Alexandria Bay in Noosa National Park if the Queensland Government relaxed its laws on nudity.
Australian Naturist Federation spokesman Stuart Whelan said it was concerned over being arrested that caused organisers to move the annual event to Byron Bay this year.
The inaugural Byron Bay one-day event held on 7 October attracted only 40-45 participants compared to hundreds at Noosa.
“We treated it like a trial run. It was a great day, liked by all,” he said.
Stuart said before the clamp down by authorities the Noosa event had drawn visitors across the country.
“A number of people planned their holidays around it,” he said.
“The organisation had built up a good relationship with the surf lifesavers who were very supportive and the people of Noosa have been very supportive.”