River views go online

Trevor Clarey checks his new Facebook site.

A new public Facebook site, Friends of the Noosa River and Lakes System, has been opened by fisherman Trevor Clarey as an open forum for input on the waterways.
Trevor wants people to post comments on political issues affecting the river, such as the impact of Noosa Council’s “soon to be released Noosa River Plan”.
“The restorating of prawn stocks in the Noosa River is yet another issue which may impact upon commercial fishermen and those thousands of rec-prawners who catch their feed of succulent Noosa River schoolie prawns,” he said.
Another issue of interest is the Elanda Point/Everglades development application with a proposed downgrade of 2.6 hectares of fish, he said.
Trevor doesn’t want the Facebook site to be just political.
Fed up with fishermen taking the brunt of blame for reduced seafood stocks in the river, Trevor is keen for historical records to be uploaded to the site as well as information on specific sites.
“I will be doing sections and photos of individual areas such as “Lucy’s Hole” behind the big bank in the top north eastern side of God’s garden known as Lake Cootharaba,” he said.
“And of course photos of family history etc are much appreciated.
“Let us give the world some genuine Noosa River history.”
The Facebook site can be found at www.facebook.com/friends.of.the.noosa.river/