DEBBY Parsons from Circle of Sound had no trouble when it came to selecting 10 local acts to perform on the youth stage at the Originals Music Festival this Saturday.
“There are so many to choose from. There is such great talent on the coast,” she said.
For Debby, it’s all about “getting the young ones out there” and giving young local talent a chance to shine.
“I’ve been running the ‘Sunshine Coast’s Got Young Talent’ open-mic night for three years now, and the more you do it, the more passionate you become,” she said.
“This event gives students the opportunity to perform to a welcoming audience, while helping them gain confidence,” she said.
Debby said the festival was a fantastic opportunity for young performers to share their passion for music.
Local high-school band, The Perries, will make their major music festival debut with thanks to Debby.
Jack, Matt, Sully, Catherine and Eric, all in Year 12 at Maroochydore State High School, have brought together their different musical influences to create a unique blend of rock, indie, reggae and a little folk, and will perform on the youth stage at the Originals Music Festival.
Having formed only in December last year, the band is already making waves across the coast with a support gig for coast band, The Tea Society, appearances as the much-lover Originals community concerts and a New Year’s Eve gig already under their belts.
The band is now working on its first EP, ‘Lose No Sleep’, which is due for release later this year.
Other bands performing on the youth stage including Maddie Clarke, Sally Skelton, Tiahn Berg, Zacchaeus – John, Malia Stirling, Keeley Young, Ebony Hamacek, Sam Fairbank, and Landers – i.
With such great talent on offer, you would be crazy to miss the acts appearing on the youth stage at the Originals Music Festival, Saturday, from 10am.