Youth tapped for plan

St Teresa's Catholic College students from left: Hamish Eleison Year 7, Maverick Pettigrove Year 10, Juliette Sauvage Year 12 and Sarah Evans Year 9.

COUNCIL is asking young people what they’d like to see included in Noosa’s next planning scheme, the new Noosa Plan.
Community engagement manager Debra Bambrook is visiting the shire’s secondary schools, asking students to share their views through either photographs, feedback forms or via an online forum, now open on council’s YourSay Noosa website (
“It’s easy to take part. We’re asking the students to capture, in a photograph, or in words, the things they love about Noosa and then submit their suggestions to council,” she said.
Students who take part have a chance to win a movie screening with nine of their friends.
“Young people are Noosa’s future. The decisions we make today about future planning and the look and feel of the area will directly affect them, so it’s important they be involved in the process with an opportunity to have a say,” Ms Bambrook said.
“We will consider all of the photographs and comments students provide together with all of the feedback we receive during the upcoming shire-wide public consultation process.”
Everybody can have a say on the New Noosa Plan online from 21 October, as well as at information pop-ups, both at Cooroy and Noosaville libraries, and staffed pop-ups at various locations across the shire.
Noosa’s new planning scheme will guide future development in the shire through the next 10 years and beyond.
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