A circle of artists

Circle of friends: Ellen Appleby, Beatrice Prost and Liana Volpe.

A CIRCLE of 10 artist friends have linked their creative energies to present their latest art exhibition, Circles and Cycles, at the Butter Factory, Cooroy.
The ArtMakers Noosa group are an artist collective, showing works of mixed media installations to fine ceramics and paintings.
Circles and Cycles promises to transport you from a cell life memory installation by Lucy Connop to the universe expansion paintings of Beatrice Prost.
Liana Volpe was inspired by the Earth circling the sun, while Robyn Gill’s fine porcelain works came from the moon circling the Earth.
Among other works, Ellen Appleby’s lustrous porcelains embody the fabulous invention of the wheel and Linda Perry will surprise as she investigates how circles can be brought together. On a more spiritual side, Lane Sladovich’s powerful and colourful totems have been connected to her through many cycles of her life, as with Ellen Vasiliauskas’s works that focus on the circle and spiral as transcendent graphical representations of the never-ending nature of our existence and our connection to spirit.
Finally, if you like interacting with the artworks Carolyn Ritchie proposes that you have a go on a treadle sewing machine, a spinning wheel or add a few stitches to her crocheted mat and spin John Ritchie’s installation A Circular Cyclic Situation.
Circles and Cycles will open at the Butter Factory, Cooroy, on Friday 12 December, from 6pm, and will run until 24 January.
The community is also invited to meet some of the ArtMakers Noosa artists during an informal tour of the exhibition to explore selected pieces. The tour is on Thursday 11 December, from 10am-11.30am and is a free event.