Aiming for hormone harmony

Get your hormones back in balance.


A WELL-FUNCTIONING hormone network is a wonderful thing. Hormones like oestrogen, testosterone and progesterone stimulate incredible metamorphosis through the life stages. Hormones allow us to respond to our environment from day-to- day adaptive responses to external challenges such as stress, exertion or even falling in love.
However, dysfunctional hormones can create significant distress. I feel like a nutcase, I just can’t think straight, I feel out of control, I fly off the handle at little things and cry for no reason, I’m down but have nothing to feel depressed about. Sound familiar? Other signs of hormonal disturbances include anxiety, weight gain, fatigue, disrupted sleep, headaches, abdominal pain and skin problems.
As with most health conditions, these imbalances can be caused by a mixture of nature and nurture. Genetic predisposition plays an important role, but also can be influenced by other health issues, environmental factors and nutritional deficiencies.Often it’s not the oestrogen that counts, it’s what you do with it. Optimal liver function and gut function ensure proper breakdown and excretion of hormones as well as hormone-disrupting chemicals from our environment which may be driving disease. The gut is responsible for determining whether hormones detoxified by the liver are eliminated or reabsorbed. So if you experience bloating, flatulence or irregular bowel movements or have gut inflammation, it could be part of the issue.
Inflammation in the body can create a self-perpetuating cycle where inflammation can cause an increase in oestrogen which, in turn, creates an increase inflammation eg endometriosis and fibroids.
Progesterone can be used for adrenal response in times of stress. It induces calm so ironically the higher the stress, the less progesterone and then higher stress results.
Heard of insulin-resistance? Insulin imbalance drives hot flushes, weight gain and PCOS, also influencing oestrogen metabolism.
The brain is part of the hormonal network too and hormones are simply a signalling mechanism. Progesterone is the direct precursor for a crucial chemical in the brain without which people can experience anxiety, irritability, depression and pain.
Of all the nutrients, magnesium deficiency is a key driver of hormonal abnormalities eg PMS, PCOS, menstrual migraine and menopausal symptoms. Other nutrients often deficient alongside magnesium and crucial for hormone metabolism include calcium, zinc and B6. Chromium helps blood glucose metabolism and iodine for the thyroid. Hormonal problems need not cause you any more discomfort or distress. At Noosaville Natural Health, Yolanda uses modern equipment including the 3-D body scan to determine underlying causes to break the cycle. With Bicom Bioresonance, hormonal balance can improve, gut dysfunction corrected and compromised organs treated, facilitating your recovery to optimum health.