It’s the season of giving

Ipazzi is embracing the Christmas spirit with a free meal for those less fortunate. Pictured is Noosaville Meat Market owner Garry Rogers, St Vinnies Sue Stack, Ipazzi staff Kelly Lawrence, Ipazzi owners Ruby and Fabio Nocera (holding Clara and Luigi), Ipazzi staff Camilla Macedo and St Vinnies Justin O'Keeffe.


FOR the past two years, Ipazzi Italian Restaurant on Sunshine Beach Road has been serving up a delicious free Christmas feast for those less fortunate – and they’re doing it again this year.
The four-course meal will be served to 50 residents on Christmas Day (25 December) to those in need of some fine food and friendly company.
Ipazzi owners and married couple Ruby and Fabio Nocera said they had teamed up with St Vincent de Paul this year to make the Christmas feast special for those less fortunate.
“For us, it’s a way to give something back to the community, we know what it was like when we firstly arrived in Australia, to celebrate Christmas day without anyone,” Mrs Nocera said.
“So now that we have a business, we wanted to help people in need to celebrate Christmas as a family.”
Mrs Nocera said the initiative also attracted the attention of Noosaville Meat Market owner Garry Rogers, who offered the restaurant free meat for the meal.
“When we heard about the meal planned for Christmas day at Ipazzi, I knew we had to get involved,” Mr Rogers said.
“It can be tough for some people over Christmas and this is just a great way to give something back – it’s in the spirit of giving.”
But the couple are still hoping some extra support will arrive by Christmas.
“We still need some more volunteers to help in the kitchen and some wine and of course a Santa (helper) would be great,” Mrs Nocera said.
St Vincent de Paul family support centre manager Sue Stack said the event was by invitation only and St Vinnies had confirmed about 50 guests.
“People often walk into our centres over Christmas in dire need,” Mrs Stack said.
“It’s can be a really tough time for some people and initiatives like this embody the Christmas spirit and offer people a family environment to share a meal.”
To find out more about the Ipazzi Christmas dinner, or to volunteer, phone: (07) 5412 2841.