Top tips for healthy spine

Keep your spine and nervous system healthy this summer.

MIMI Atkins from Noosa Chiropractic shares her top tips for a healthy spine and nervous system this summer.
1. Drink plenty of water – hydration is important for our circulatory and lymphatic system, skin, muscles, digestion and brain. A good guide is to drink 250mls of fresh water per 10kgs of weight.
2. Sit up straight – from a standing side profile, your ear, middle shoulder, hip, mid-knee and ankle should all be in a straight line. Slouching and a forward head position commonly impact posture, encouraging early spinal degeneration and pain.
3. Exercise and stretch daily – this helps maintain cardiovascular health, keeps muscles moving and minimises excess weight gain that puts more pressure on spinal joints.
4. Don’t put things in your back pocket – phones, wallets and keys create an uneven bulge, putting more pressure on the pelvis and lumbar spine.
5. Invest in a good pillow – you spend a good proportion of your life asleep so help support your spine with a contoured pillow that encourages appropriate neck position.
6. Eat a healthy, balanced diet – remember to eat plenty of vegetables, nuts, seeds, fruit and quality protein.
7. Get checked by your chiropractor – don’t let poor nerve health and pain ruin your holidays.
For more information about any of these topics, call Mimi at Noosa Chiropractic on 5449 9122.