Food to speed up weight loss

Good food lifts energy and reduces weight.

Why is it that one person can eat chocolate all day and not gain a pound while someone else only has to look at a piece of cake and they put on a kilo?
It all comes down to metabolism, according to local naturopathic practitioner Yolanda Falivene.
Yolanda said metabolism runs the body similar to the way an engine runs a car.
“Different cars use different fuels just like we do.
“We can either burn fat, carbohydrate or protein for energy depending on our hormonal balance,” she said.
According to Yolanda there is more to weight loss than willpower, eating a low-fat, low-calorie diet and exercise.
“Most people are frustrated by their efforts to lose weight because they are eating foods which slow down their metabolism, upsetting the delicate hormone balance of their body,” she said.
Hormonal imbalances, which cause conditions such as underactive thyroid, menopause, Syndrome X, insulin resistance and PCOS, contribute to the building up of fat stores in the body and are influenced by the foods people eat.
“These conditions can result in a predominance of midriff fat, low energy, fluid retention, sugar cravings, mood swings, hot flushes, sleeping difficulties, poor concentration and bloating,” Yolanda said.
“When the correct food is consumed in correct portions hormonal balance is restored, your metabolism improves, cravings disappear, energy lifts and fat is burned.”
With a special interest in helping people with hormone imbalances and weight issues, Yolanda uses her knowledge combined with modern equipment, including a 3-D body scan, to help clients to lose those unwanted kilos and keep them off.
Contact Yolanda at Noosaville Natural Health on 5470 2408.