At home to car raiders

Lock it or lose it.

POLICE are urging locals and visitors to lock their cars, even if they are parked in their driveways for just a few minutes.
Last week three people reported items stolen from their unlocked cars that were parked in the driveway of their homes throughout the Noosa shire.
Noosa Heads Officer in Charge Senior Sergeant Steve McReight said it would be great to be able to leave a car unlocked but that was just inviting thieves.
“People will target cars that are unlocked,” he said, “even if it’s parked in your driveway.
“None of the recent incidents have involved smashed windows. Every car was unlocked.“
An international visitor also had items stolen from his car when he left his keys wrapped in a T-shirt on the beach while he went for a surf at Sunshine Beach.
The German national had his passport, three credit cards and a wallet stolen.

School zone
EIGHT speeding tickets were issued in half an hour last Tuesday when local police began a blitz on school zones.
Police are reminding drivers to drive with caution and to the speed limit in school zones now that term has started and have warned of more traffic operations to come.
Senior Sergeant Steve McReight said police will be patrolling local school zones in the coming weeks to remind motorists to slow down.