New biosphere group in the air

Noosa Mayor Noel Playford has welcomed Noosa Biosphere Association’s (NBA) decision to voluntarily wind-up the organisation after eight years of serving the community.
Mayor Playford said the council would soon call a public meeting to discuss setting up a new Noosa Biosphere Reserve community association that will complete the new community-based biosphere management structure.
In a statement from the NBA, a spokesperson said the decision to wind-up was made in conjunction with Noosa Council to avoid future confusion and allow the council to take the next step in setting up the new association.
“We were incorporated eight years ago with our primary objective to see management of the Biosphere safely back in the hands of our community which members now agree has been achieved with the return of our council,” the spokesperson said.
Mayor Playford congratulated the NBA’s efforts over the past eight years, particularly the important role played in achieving de-amalgamation.
“NBA’s gesture is a show of faith that the new biosphere management framework, signed off by council in December, will place control firmly in the community’s hands,” he said.
“I congratulate NBA members on their past work and I encourage them, along with other interested residents, to consider contributing to the future of Noosa through the new incorporated association.”
The council will host the upcoming public meeting but it is up to the community to take the lead in establishing the new association.
The biosphere model includes the new company – Noosa Biosphere Reserve Foundation – and the associated public trust to oversee strategic direction.
Directors of the new Noosa Biosphere Reserve Foundation have had their first meeting and the community will have the chance to meet them at the coming meeting.