Tourism Noosa

Council briefs

Tourism Noosa will now oversee all of the shire’s tourist marketing activities from July. The change is part of new arrangements to be adopted by council when their obligation to fund Sunshine Coast Council owned Sunshine Coast Destination Limited to the tune of$50,000 ends in June.
Noosa Mayor Noel Playford said council wouldn’t reduce funding for marketing, but would no longer fund a company owned and controlled by another council.
“We are obliged to ensure Noosa tourism levy funds are spent on clearly defined objectives and Tourism Noosa will ensure value for money and accountability,” he said.
“Tourism Noosa has spent many years successfully marketing Noosa both nationally and abroad.
“It has many runs of the board and it is well positioned to drive our tourism marketing.”
Tourism Noosa Chairman Steve McPharlin thanked the Noosa Council for entrusting the team with the responsibility of marketing the Noosa region.
“As the destination marketing company charged with marketing Noosa, we take this responsibility seriously and remain committed to protecting and enhancing the Noosa brand, product and destination,” he said.
Mr McPharlin said Tourism Noosa looked forward to a continued collaboration with all partners including Noosa Council, Sunshine Coast Destination Ltd, other regional stakeholders and Tourism Australia, by investing in measurable tourism initiatives that would bring economic benefit to the Noosa tourism industry and local community.

Photos of Noosa values
Noosa Council is calling for photos that express Noosa.
Roadside trees, footpath dining, minimal signage and the use of natural materials are some of the things residents have told council they love about Noosa and want to see captured in a new values and principles document to be used by council staff and the design community.
Council are asking for residents and visitors to upload pictures with examples of the sorts of visual elements they think work well currently within the shire.
Photos can be uploaded, as well as written submissions, at Council’s YourSay Noosa portal at or alternatively via email to website also includes discussion forums and a survey.