Conflict unsubstantiated


CLAIMS of conflict of interest and poor review processes have been dismissed by council, as the review of the Butter Factory management model continues.
In a general committee meeting on Monday, Noosa Council CEO Brett de Chastel said a complaint received by council last week had been investigated and no issues proved “fatal” to the review and he saw no reason for councillors to stop discussions.
The complaint raised concerns about the review process including a perceived conflict of interest with a consultant and questioned whether the review was fair and transparent.
Mr de Chastel said the complaint had been investigated and, with the exception of two factual errors, there was nothing “fatal” about the process.
“(The Butter Factory review) was not like the normal tender or quotation process,” he said.
“It was something we said upfront we’d do and we did that.
“There may be perception by some people that process wasn’t the best process, but ultimately that was the process that was followed.
“I don’t see there’s anything fatal in that process that would stop the council from considering this matter further.”
Mr de Chastel said two factual errors were evident in the report to council in regards to one proposal, and asked councillors to amend the error.
“Again, I don’t think that’s fatal,” he said.
In regards to concerns raised about a perceived conflict of interest with a consultant who worked on the Lower Mill Board submission, Mr de Chastel said the claims were unsubstantiated.
“There is no evidence, no basis (for the claims), in fact I understand that was not intended,” he said.
The committee recommended the Lower Mill Board work with a consultant to create a business plan to present to council.