THEY got rained out by the remnants of Cyclone Marcia last month, but it’s time to get excited Cooroy because the line-up for the Cooroy Originals this month includes Asa Broomhall, Jimmy Watts Band, Rob Longstaff and Michael Morgan – four amazing and mind-blowing performers.
Asa Broomhall is one of Australia’s best independent artists serving up a mix of rock, folk and blues along a dose of mischief. On stage, Asa’s powerful guitar-driven songs and dynamic live show have taken him from clubs and festivals all over Australia to touring with national and international artists and regularly performing in the UK, USA and Canada. With the release of his third independent and self-produced album, the momentum keeps building for this talented guitarist/songwriter that we can happily claim as a ‘local’.
Jimmy Watts is a soulful, grassroots, travelling blues man with a uniquely raw sound and a passion for performing live. Jimmy is intense and at home on the boards, and delivers his performances with great furious energy, tremendous heart, and heaps of spontaneity. Jimmy’s finger-picking style is a furious assault on the bodies of his acoustics, slide and electric guitars and his gravely, smoke-filled vocals and roaring harmonicas only add insult to their injuries.
Soul and pop musician Rob Longstaff likes a challenge, he’s worked the tough Aussie pub circuit, released three studio albums, hitchhiked across three continents, toured Indian and African orphanages and hospitals, ventured to Antarctica and travelled overland from Berlin to Australia by bicycle, train and ship. The Cooroy Original’s stage is next on the agenda for March and his soulful acoustic musical gems are sure to delight.
Michael Morgan is a 21-year-old singer songwriter from the Sunshine Coast. The winner of the Noosa Jazz Festival Star Search Competition 2012, Michael is a self-taught singer and musician with a passion for all things from years gone by. This theme resonates through his music with a love of Ray Charles, BB King and Elvis. And he is equally inspired by modern artists John Mayer, Ed Sheeran and Amy Winehouse. Michael performs with a unique vocal style, comprising smooth, soulful tones and an edgy growl. This is one coast artist to keep your eye on.
These top acts hit the stage on Sunday 22 March from 1pm at what is always a fantastic family friendly original music event, powered by donations and proudly sponsored by Cooroy Community Bank Branch of Bendigo Bank, Cooroy Hotel, Wimmers Softdrinks, East Coast Originals, Cooroy Rag and Cooroy Chamber of Commerce Inc.
Get along and show your support!