Swimmers lap it up

All smiles: Noosa Aquatic Centre swimmers welcome super fish Jan Croft back from the Masters State Long Course Championships.

NOOSA Aquatic Centre (NAC) swim coach Jan Croft is no stranger to winning.
The NAC’s resident super fish recently netted three gold, four silver, one bronze and picked up a state record in the 1500 metre freestyle at the Masters State Long Course Championships.
But Noosa is the real winner when it comes to Jan’s success, says the council’s Aquatics Co-ordinator Stephen James, given the opportunity to train under such a legend of the pool.
“We cannot put a value on what Jan brings to the NAC,” Stephen said.
“She is a role model, to not only her swimmers but to the community as a whole, living proof of what hard work and a healthy lifestyle can achieve.”
The Noosa Masters Swim Club head coach currently has her sights set on the Masters Australian Titles in Melbourne.
She aims to take a team down to the Pan Pacific Titles in November, with a longer term goal to take a team to the World Masters Games in Auckland in 2017.
“The squad sessions Jan coaches at Noosa Aquatic Centre would suit any swimmer with a basic level of swimming ability right up to the competitive side of swimming,” Stephen said.
The NAC also caters for beginners, offering private swim lessons for those wanting to start lap swimming.
“No matter your fitness level or swimming ability, the coaches at the NAC can help you.”
Former swim school owner and triathlete Jan’s passion for the pool is infectious, not only among her many pupils, but her own children.
Son Nick is another of the NAC’s coaching staff, with his own impressive triathlon experience to add to the Croft name.
To find out more about the NAC’s swim coaching and squad sessions call 5448 0288.