NOOSA crime rates have plummeted across the board during the first half of 2014, according to police prosecutor Sergeant Shane Raison.
Sgt Raison addressed members at the Noosa Chamber of Commerce and Industry monthly meeting on Tuesday, 11 June.
Sgt Raison heaped praised on Noosa Police officers for their “crime clean-up” efforts, including reductions in assaults and break-ins, which he said were more than three times below the state average.
But Sgt Raison said now was the worst time for complacency.
“Despite the falls in crime across the board for Noosa, now is not the time to sit back and feel complacent,” he said.
Sgt Raison said crime could spike at a moment’s notice and often it could take only one or two offenders.
“It’s nothing for criminals to come to Noosa in a stolen car, commit three or four major crimes in less than a few hours and leave again in a stolen car,” he said.
Sgt Raison stressed the need for residents to be diligent with home security, ensure CCTV was installed at businesses and remain on high alert.
“Times of not being vigilant are gone – we need to ensure we’re taking all the proper precautions to avoid becoming a victim of crime,” he said.
Sgt Raison also raised the serious impact drink-driving could have on business owners and operators.