Ways to entertain the big kids

Slacklining will keep the tweens and teens entertained for hours.

These school holidays, there is plenty to do with the young’uns, but what about the other half? What about the big’uns?
More than anything, the big kids, tweens and teens need to be off the screens as much as possible.
Here are a few ways to make some fun on those home days when you turn the screens off.

1. Play fun games in the backyard, like badminton, volleyball, croquet, or bean bag toss.
Find a cheap set in an op-shop or hit the shops and buy one or two yard games which the big kids can play with mum and dad or their mates all holidays long. Or find out a bit about Slacklining – the teens love it.
Requires tie down straps and lots of balance, just keep it low to the ground for starters.

2. Cook! Don’t let the moans and groans deter you! Just buy up the ingredients and rally them up.
Think yummy treats like brownies or chocolate crackles so they are excited to get in and do it.
Teenagers will have some fun with something a little more complex, like Asian dumplings and gyoza.

3. Get creative without finger paints and cotton wool. Big kids will enjoy tie-dying old T-shirts into funky patterns or making their own slime (google how – there’s loads of ways).
Just let the mess happen and enjoy that they are off the Xbox.