Rockin’ the ’70s again

Rock out this Sunday as the Sunshine Beach Surf Club steps back into the '70s.

By Hollie Harris

FANS of ’70s rock will rejoice as the Living in the 70’s Classic Rock Tribute Show hits the Sunshine Beach Surf Club this Sunday 17 September.
The show immortalises the music that filled the hearts and blew the minds of all those music lovers from the magical decade of the 1970s.
With over two hours of hits from The Doors, Hendrix, Led Zep, Clapton, The Stones, The Beatles, Fleetwood Mac and so many more, this show goes beyond the norm and takes you back in time.
Get into the Sunshine Beach Surfy this Sunday to recreate the denim soaked, peace-sign wearing glory that is the ’70s, from 3pm.