NOOSA Pengari Steiner School follows an international system known as Steiner or Waldorf education. This unique and distinctive educational alternative is fully accredited as meeting all state and national standards in Australia.
The uniqueness of the curriculum lies in its holistic approach, which recognises the importance of engaging all aspects of the human being in a broad and multi-disciplinary program.
Situated in a bushland setting in Doonan, the school offers a beautiful learning environment that is in harmony with the natural surroundings. Every child is valued for their own individuality and encouraged to grow and develop to their full potential.
The academic education of the school’s students is enhanced by developing strong relationships with peers and teachers in an atmosphere of support, co-operation and commitment.
Teachers are inspired by the work of the Austrian philosopher and scientist Rudolf Steiner, which encourages them to guide their students in cultivating a love of learning and a reverence for all life.
Steiner education makes extensive use of cross-curricular integration, enriching learning experiences by integrating drawing, painting, modelling, drama, movement or music with language work, mathematics, history, geography or the sciences.
In addition to a strong academic program, students experience music by singing and learning to play a variety of instruments in both individual and ensemble contexts. They also develop a wide range of skills through crafts, such as knitting, sewing, felt work, ceramics, painting and woodwork.
Noosa Pengari Steiner School is accepting enrolment inquiries for a limited number of vacancies anticipated in selected classes for 2015. The school encourages interested families to visit its website, Facebook page, or to contact the school directly to arrange a tour.
For details on enrolments and tour dates, phone 5471 0199, email enrolments@noosasteiner.qld.edu.au or visit www.noosasteiner.qld.ede.au for more information.