THE Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo is a rare sight around Noosa, but Lake Cootharaba resident Ash Page got lucky with this shot recently. The photo is this week’s Lenscape, taken from the Elanda campgrounds. “I rarely go anywhere without a camera, so I suppose that makes me a passionate amateur photographer,” Ash said. “For this shot I used my pocket camera – a Canon Powershot SX 260.” Ash said the campgrounds around Cootharaba provided the perfect locations for photography buffs. “Best sunrise spot and a great variety of animals in natural surroundings,” Ash said. “I love the relationship between the river, ocean, beach and national park. Any day of the week I can be a tourist in my own backyard and it costs me nothing.” Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo are one of six species of Black Cockatoo in Australia. In recent years it has been in rapid decline because of native habitat clearance, with a loss of food supply and nesting sites.