IT was 5.30am last Sunday morning when 26 Sunshine Beach Nippers boarded the bus bound for Redcliff, full of team spirit.
The carnival day started with not a ripple in sight – piece of cake for our under-10 board riders and swimmers, who blitzed the competition.
As the day progressed however, the wind picked up to 25 to 30 knots and the ocean turned from a mill pond to a choppy mess.
The last few club Sundays at Sunshine Beach, dealing with a big shore dump, gave them the skills and confidence for this to be no problem.
No complaints about the conditions were heard from the nippers and all kids gave it their best.
A big shout out to the under-9 team who are new to the board events but looked like professionals.
The under-8 team was also spectacular and a team to watch develop over the coming seasons.
The all-age relay, saved for last, was the highlight of the carnival.
However, the highlight of the day must go to the “all-you-can-eat” Sizzler buffet stop-over on the way home where the kids took to the food like there was no tomorrow.
Thank you to John Madill Toyota for providing the bus free of charge for the day.