Everybody’s going surfin’

Pro surfer Julian Wilson carves effortlessly through the 100+ surfers at Noosa's First Point last week as he grabs a few pre-wedding waves. Picture: TITO MEDIA

By Hollie Harris

The surf certainly was up last week; it was a case of drop everything and surf, surf, surf.
The water was chockas along the Noosa points but with plenty of waves coming through most seemed to get a couple of nice rides.
Thanks to the tropical low near New Calendonia bringing the Coast some decent wave heights, locals enjoyed clean and peeling sets up to 5 feet at Noosa, with Thursday giving surfers dawn till dusk magic at First Point.
Boards were flying and arms were turning to jelly off Main Beach with a strong side-sweep keeping paddlers constantly on the move, but it was just too good to miss!
By afternoon, a few of the young surfers were looking completely knackered and ready to drop, but still keen to do it all again the next day.
Many of us slept hard those nights!
Julian Wilson was a standout among the crowd at First Point and gave many of the fans a thrill as he showed off why he is considered as one of the most electrifying surfers on the tour circuit.
Growing up in Australia, Julian was the youngest child in a fanatical surfing family and showed incredible natural ability and talent as he took home multiple pro junior titles and the 2006 ISA World Junior Title.
He has since qualified for the WSL Championship Tour and is always tagged as one of the top contenders at every tour stop.
He most recently recieved received the honour of a Spirit of Sport award at the Sport Australia Hall of Fame Awards 2015 as well as being recognised with Outstanding Bravery at the Pride of Australia Awards 2015 after paddling out to help Mick Fanning fight off the12 foot great white shark at Jeffrey’s Bay in South Africa last year.
With a steady fan base growing, Julian was approached for selfies with fans each time he came out of the water at First Point to do the run around off the rocks.
The number eight surfer in the world officially came off the market on the weekend as he wed his long time girlfriend, Ashley Osborne, at Yandina Station on Saturday night. I can hear the young hearts breaking.
Back in the water, the mayhem was too much for some who headed out to the uncrowded bombs and beachies on the opens.
It was reported as ‘loads of fun and a great option to avoid the crowds’ on those busy days.
After the peak came the lull, which worked out well with the scorching temps.
This week has been a little light on swell with only small to moderate South Easterly swells with the points being the only pick for a few small peelers.
Monday saw the last of the little Noosa one footers which were super fun if you surf a log before it dwindled off to swimming only.
This weekend is looking small.
Glass, glass, glass, but not much swell ahead.