Smooth for spring

Bikini season may have just ended, but now is the time to get ready for next summer.

WINTER is on the way so now is the time to get to started on hair removal to ensure smooth, hair-free skin for the next spring/summer season.
Sharon Cassidy from Riverside Beauty discusses IPL technology, the most advanced technology for permanent hair removal.
“Quantum Intense Pulse Light (IPL) uses a method known as selective photothermolysis which involves disabling hair growth mechanisms by raising the temperature of the hair follicle high enough to damage the germinative cells while protecting the surrounding tissue offering a safe comfortable treatment,” she said.
“Winter is the perfect time to remove unwanted hair and it truly can become a problem of the past. Using IPL there is a break of about four to six weeks between treatments so now is the time to start so you can avoid the sun and are ready for a hair-free summer.
“The treatments really are fast and effective.
“There are now several treatments in the market that assist with hair removal, but IPL administered by trained beauty professionals is the best way to go.”
Book in now and introduce a friend and only pay $60, normally $90 for basic bikini or underarm IPL treatment.
Call Riverside Beauty on 5449 9744 for a free consultation.