Women’s Open Day a great success

From left: Patsy Fayne, Jacqui Kiel, Mary Miller and Terri Cairns of the Cooroy Golf Club.

THE Cooroy Golf Club recently held an open day for female players which has been deemed a great success.
Congratulations to Wendy, the Women’s Golf Director and her committee on a well-run Women’s Open Day on 7 June.
There were 112 women from a number of clubs as far away as Bribie Island and Tin Can Bay.
The shot-gun start in perfect weather resulted in an excellent day of golf followed by a relaxed lunch together.
Thank you to all those who helped to organise the day, set up the clubhouse, provided morning tea and prizes for the raffle, sold tickets, checked cards and handicapped the event and provided assistance out on the course.
The club is noted for the support it receives from its members and this was evident on the day.
Special thanks to President Rob Powell who acted as starter.
Sponsor Jacqui Kiel from Cooroy LiveLife Pharmacy presented Adina Watches to the nett winners in the three divisions, and Irene Lally presented the veterans’ trophies. Thank you ladies for your generosity.
It was a clean sweep for Cooroy as nett winners: Terri Cairns, Patsy Fayne and Mary Miller. Gross winners were Silvana Phillips (Noosa Springs), Colleen Mitchell (Caboolture) and Muriel Willett (Cooroy). Veterans’ trophies went to Patsy Fayne (Cooroy) and Marie Young (Tin Can Bay).
Many thanks to the club’s photographer, Bob Watson, for his time and expertise.
– Assunta Easton, Secretary, Cooroy Golf Club.